Computer Systems: Teacher Resources

Computer Systems: Starters and Plenaries

Information Resources
Back to front and upside down

Students are given a piece of text related to the topic.  The only problem is that the text has been written back-to-front and upside-down. 

Starting from the bottom left-hand corner they need to write down the correct version of the text.

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Odd one out

Lesson starter. Students are shown a number of key terms.   They have to decide which of the terms is the ‘odd one out’ and give a reason for their choice

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Pick your answers

A great kinaesthetic starter activity.  Students have to move around the room to answer a series of questions

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Sort a sentence

A great kinaesthetic starter where students work in pairs or small groups to reconstruct a key sentence from this topic.

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Split the words

A starter activity.

Students can work individually or in pairs. They are presented with a condensed paragraph of theory and are asked to make it legible.

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Ten Questions

A lesson starter activity. A volunteer (either a student or class teacher) is given a slip of paper so they know 'what they are'. The rest of the class can ask up to a maximum of 10 questions to guess what they are. The volunteer can only answer 'yes' or 'no'

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30 Seconds

Lesson starter. Students are shown a number of terms for exactly 30 seconds. They need to memorise as many as possible. After 30 seconds, the terms are hidden and they need to write down as many terms as they can remember along with at least one fact about that term.

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Lesson starter. Display this on the whiteboard as students are walking through the door. They can work individually or in pairs to come up with the answers. Good for differentiation as all students should be able to get at least one of the six points.

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Acting Up

A fun starter activity. Students are given a character card. They then have to explain a term related to this topic whilst staying in character.

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character cards

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Compare and contrast

A starter activity in which students are given two items and asked to consider the differences and similarities between them

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Consider All Reasons

Starter task. Students are given an open ended statement related to the topic.  In pairs, they identify as many reasons as possible in order to provide an answer to the statement

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Starter task. Students are given a set of jumbled up words related to this topic. They have to unscramble each of the words within 30 seconds.

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Find and sort

Starter. A fun kinaesthetic activity encouraging students to correctly arrange a sentence preparing them for the lesson ahead.

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Mini whiteboards

Starter activity. A great way of quickly assessing which key terms students remember from the previous lesson and where further teaching focus might need to be given

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Post its

A fun kinaesthetic starter task where students work in teams to solve a puzzle.

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Questions to ask

A starter task. Students are given a list of categories and asked to write down the questions they would like answered from today's lesson

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Teach Me About

Lesson starter. Students become the teacher! One student is tasked with preparing a five minute revision starter about this topic for the beginning of the following lesson.

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What Am I Thinking?

Starter. Students are told that the teacher is thinking about three things to do with this topic. They have to write their guesses down onto post-it notes.

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Word Tennis

Starter. Students work in groups of three with two 'serving' words related to the topic. The observer monitors for words which are 'out'

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