Fetch-Execute Cycle: Teacher Resources

Fetch-Execute Cycle: Lesson Tasks

Information Resources

Students read the theory notes on the mini website and then answer the questions on the task sheet.

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Reduce it

Students are given a section of theory. They pick out the 20 most important words. They are then asked to reduce these to the 8 they consider to be the most important.

A great task for really getting them to concentrate and think about the text in front of them.

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Correct the teacher

Students are given a piece of text written by a ‘teacher’. The text contains a number of mistakes. They are asked to read the text and correct any mistakes they find.

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Construct an answer

Students are given an exam style question to answer. They are also given a set of key words to incorporate into their answer.

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Key terms

Students are asked to provide a definition and example for key terms related to this topic

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Matching pairs

Students work in pairs to turn over two cards and matchup a keyword with a definition or example. Full instructions are given in the task sheet. Requires preparation prior to the lesson

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Matching statements

On the left-hand side is a set of terms.  On the right-hand side is a set of statements or definitions.  Students are asked to draw a line to matchup the correct term and statement.

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Once upon a time

Students are given a set of words related to this topic and asked to make up a story incorporating as many of the terms as possible.

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Tick the answers

Students are given a number of different statements relating to this topic.  They have to decide whether the statement is true or false and place a tick in the correct box.

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100 words

Students have exactly 100 words to summarise the key points about this topic

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Create your own crossword

Students are given step by step instructions about creating their own crossword which they can then give to fellow students to solve

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